Why Juice?
Here are 3 reasons you want to drink organic, fresh juice…every day.
The food supply is deficient: Over the past 100 year, soils around the world have been depleted of their vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. For example, when your grandparents ate an apple, it contained as much nutrients as 10 apples today. When they ate a small salad, it would be the equivalent of you eating a bucket full of salad. The reality is our stomachs cannot eat enough fresh, organic produce each day to get the adequate amount of nutrition our bodies need. Juicing allows for a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and enzymes to enter the body and help it function optimally.
Much of the food supply is toxic: The typical piece of produce on a supermarket shelf is over a month old. It was picked green and it was most likely grown with pesticides. Some think we can just wash off the chemicals but the reality is that many of them end up inside the produce through absorption. Produce grown with pesticides may contain 1/3 as many nutrients as organically grown produce. Pesticides kill good bacteria in the soil and prevent that bacteria from digesting inorganic materials in the soil and delivering those nutrients to the plant. Organic produce contains more organic water content, which in turn makes for a greater amount of nutrition, especially when juicing.
Our bodies are toxic: A few centuries ago the air was fresh, the water was clean, we grew most of our own food in our own back yards, and life was more simple. Today with a growing population, the demand on our natural resources is truly taxed. We live in cities that have air pollution, our food is grown with poisonous chemicals, our water has chemicals in it, we take antibiotics that kill off our good bacteria, we don’t sleep, we are tired, we are indoors most days away from adequate sun exposure…ok well you get the point.
The body cannot detoxify fast enough if we are not helping it do so. This is why we must find ways to get nutrients into our bodies that help detoxify the different channels of elimination. These include the liver, gallbladder, skin, lymphatic system, and more. Every day the toxins accumulated can clog up the liver. The liver is the chemical treatment plant of the body. If you can detox your liver, you can have a clean waste treatment plant and all the toxins that come in will more easily leave.
Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables helps purify the blood, cleanse and detox the liver and gallbladder, and make for a system that absorbs nutrition and rids itself of toxins.
Juicing is only one component of optimal health, but it’s a VERY important one.